We believe that the individual is the most important resource for the business and that individuals need to be developed in order to aid the business strategy and effectiveness and improve working relationships.  Individuals need to be motivated and connected to what is important to them and need to be aware of this in the workplace.  This enhances work-life balance and thus productivity.  The individual services we offer always work with the individual as part of a team in line with the company strategy.  We believe that the workplace needs to be meaningful to the individual!

It is not without reason that someone recently said that meaning is the new money……



Individual services focus on 1:1 work as well as group work from a coaching perspective.  These sessions is focused on the individual’s needs for personal development that will enhance awareness, work-life balance, stress management, relationships management, identity and personal alignment.

These individual services are often combined with team services working with the individual within the team through team days or retreats that gives time for personal reflection.


We use different tools in individual and team coaching processes depending on the individual’s needs and each process will be custom made with this in mind.

  • For personal development we are skilled and accredited users of the Meyers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and this applicable for individual development as well as team development.
  • For interpersonal skills at work we use the Emotional and Social Competency Inventory (ESCI) with a multi-rating assessment that aids a coaching process that focuses on Emotional Intelligence.
  • To unlock personal systems of meaning we use the Spiritual Intelligence Assessment (SQA) focus on 12 domains of meaning makes to aid a coaching process that unlock alignment to meaning and personal values.
  •  A fascinating tool for personal development that enhances personal awareness and consciousness is the Organic Scorecard (OSC).  This tool is used in a personal coaching process but also in specific small management team interventions to understand behaviour better and to help a person unlock the factors that motivate behaviour from the perspective of 12 domains of consciousness.

Although the above tools are important resources our philosophy is that coaching sessions will always be informed by respectful conversation about real life stories, issues and challenges.  We steer away from generic program-like conversations!