Our network

Our network of professionals who provide great services to business is something that amazes us, and we gladly share the people and the services they render because we know they can add value to you and your business.

We have access to the following complimentary services:

  • Recruitment
  • Labour relations
  • Psychometric assessments
  • Team building activities and breakaways
  • Life-skills training
  • Psychiatric treatment
  • Company secretarial services


We read a lot and wide to ensure that we keep up with the latest challenges, trends and innovation in our fields of expertise. Here is a list of books that we recommend and we will update this as we discover new writers and more amazing insights.

Leadership and self-deception. The Arbinger institute
Time to think. Nancy Kline
Primal Leadership. Goleman, Boyatzis & McKee
The Leadership Challenge. Kouzes & Posner
HR – The Value proposition. Ulrich & Brockbank (a great read for any person in HR related roles)
The Artist’s way. Julia Cameron
Spiritual Capital: Wealth we can live by. Danah Zohar
Emotional Intelligence. Daniel Goleman


The daily challenge for many of us is to keep our Inbox from overloading with newsletters and spam. There are however some amazing people who have a real gift for writing and inspiring us with their knowledge and insight and we list their links here for you to explore. We also list some of our professional associations and related websites for additional reading.


HR templates and guides

Interview guidelines

Appointing candidates who are aligned with the job role and the organisational values, and who are compatible with current employees, is one of the most daunting tasks for any manager. The job interview is one of the mechanisms that provide insight into the candidate and their potential fit. If done successfully, it can be a great way to acquire valuable information and make informed choices. Appointing the right candidate ensures quality performance and fewer issues in the long term!Our guidelines below are not meant to be a complete recipe but we have found these to be successful in supporting the interviewer when seeking to appoint good candidates.